Saturday, March 31, 2012
Study shows that Chocolate lovers tend to weigh less
OFWs contribute P2B to SSS in 2011
Pinay running for parliament in South Korea
Lee, who was present during the Vice President's dialog with the Filipino community at the Philippine Embassy, wrote down the concerns raised by the OFWs, among them the plight of "Stateless children," or children born to migrant parents who are not recognized by host countries.
"What we can do is to appeal to the host governments to recognize these children. But the problem is not only confined to South Korea but in other countries, especially in the Middle East where there are an estimate 6,000 of them," Binay said.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Popcorn as healthy as fruits, vegetables
Although earlier research had already discovered antioxidants called polyphenols in popcorn, Vinson's study measured the exact amount and found that it contains about twice as many as fresh sweet corn or fruit per serving. Polyphenols are diluted up to 90% in most fruits and vegetables because of their high water content. They are more concentrated in popcorn because it only contains about 4% water. And those annoying hulls that get stuck between your teeth? "They are nutritional gold nuggets," declares Vinson. He points out that dried fruit also contains more antioxidants than fresh fruit based on the same principle.
The study also extols popcorn as a whole grain. "It's the only snack that is 100 percent unprocessed whole grain," says Vinson. "One serving of popcorn will provide more than 70% of the daily intake of whole grain. The average person only gets about half a serving of whole grains a day, and popcorn could fill that gap in a very pleasant way."
Vinson cautions against replacing fruits and vegetables, which contain many other important nutrients, with popcorn. He also warns that drowning it in butter or sugary flavorings is going to offset the nutritional benefits. To get your daily dose of antioxidants and whole grains, its healthiest to stick with plain, air popped corn. The second best option is microwave popcorn.
La Niña causing weird summer weather
1,500 kg gold from discarded phones?
Believe it or not, 1,500 kg of gold, one million kg of copper and 30,000 kg of silver can be extracted from the 100 million discarded mobile phones in China.
People’s Daily reported Thursday that about 400 million mobile phones were discarded each year, China accounting for nearly 100 million.
According to the daily, a mobile phone has various precious materials including 0.01 percent of gold, 20-25 percent of copper and 40-50 percent of recycling plastic.
A study shows that 150 grams of gold, 100 kg of copper and 3 kg of silver can be extracted from one tonne of discarded mobile phones.
Under current situation, 100 million discarded cell phones in China weigh 10,000 tonnes.
And this would fetch a bonanza of 1,500 kg of gold, the daily said.
The Ring hails Donaire as world's best 1-punch KO artist
Playing time for Taj Gibson: A pleasant problem for Tom Thibodeau
UP only Asian university in mock court tilt
Some 137 teams from 80 countries – from an original field of over 600 law schools – made it to the 2012 Jessup International Law Moot Court competition that culminates with the Jessup Cup World Championship on Saturday.
“We continue to be undefeated and today we won the run-off and the ‘octo-finals’ against Greece which means we’ve qualified for the quarterfinals. We’re now in the top 8 of the world,” lawyer Harry Roque Jr., the UP team coach, told ABS-CBN News.
UP will be competing against teams from Oxford, Columbia, Hastings, Oakland and Ottawa universities as well as law schools from Russia and Melbourne, Australia.
More significantly, one of the case studies tackled by the moot court was culled from the Vinuya “comfort women” case (petition seeking compensation from Japan for abuses committed during World War II) that’s reportedly one of the bases for the impeachment of Philippine Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato Corona.
“The problem is based on a case that was one of the reasons why the Chief Justice was impeached, ang kaso ng mga comfort women at kung tama ba ma-invoke ang state immunity ‘pag nagkaron ng paglabag sa tinatawag na ‘jus cogens’,” Roque revealed.
He does not believe this gave UP an edge, asserting that if they enjoyed any advantage it was in the Filipino law students’ passion for what Roque calls an injustice.
“Whoever wrote the case study based this on a case in the Philippine Supreme Court that still has not been resolved with finality,” he explained.
Roque said he doubts this was a coincidence because the Vinuya case has earned international notoriety for its various twists and turns – especially after Supreme Court Justice Mariano del Castillo was accused of plagiarism in the Vinuya “ponencia”.
The High Tribunal tried to sanction the UP College of Law after it called for Del Castillo’s resignation.
“The Vinuya case has garnered international attention because of the findings of plagiarism and the punishment imposed on the UP law faculty where there was an international appeal for the Philippine legal community,” Roque said.
“Human right defenders should not be victim themselves of human rights violations,” he added.
The UP law students’ impressive run in the moot court competition – said to be the biggest ever held – “is not only a vindication, it’s a better measurement of the quality of legal education we have in UP.”
For the first time in memory, none of the most recent Bar topnotchers were from UP.
UP beat Ateneo, San Beda, Silliman and the University of the Cordilleras to earn the right to compete in the Jessup international moot court contest.
The six-person UP team bested Boston College last Tuesday, Japan and Kenya last Wednesday and Greece and Argentina yesterday.
“We’re here competing with the best in the world,” Roque said.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
DFA warns Pinoys vs online Canadian immigration scams
- Be wary of websites advertised in unsolicited e-mails from strangers and do not give out personal information unless you know who you are dealing with.
- Before hiring an immigration representative, do your homework: ask for a referral from someone you trust, check their credentials, and discuss the services they will offer. For information on how to choose an immigration representative, you may visit CIC's website at
- There is no "immigration consultant" website that is part of, or affiliated with, the Government of Canada. If you are suspicious about a website, do a web search to see if anyone has reported any problems with that site.
- Do not pay for offers of guaranteed entry to Canada or faster processing of your application. These claims are false.
Heejun leaves, Jessica stays in Idol Top 8
Eight health mistakes to avoid
There are many different things that can be detrimental to your health - but here are eight health mistakes you really need to avoid
1. Substituting the gym for daily activity
It’s great that you go to the gym three times a week, for an hour a time, but overall, that amounts to three hours a week of activity out of a potential 168! It’s not so great when you put it like that, is it? In a fascinating study at the University of Maastricht, researchers found that gym-goers burn fewer calories on an overall weekly basis than people who are generally active (walking and cycling to get around and performing normal daily activities) but do no ‘official’ exercise. The researchers speculated that gym goers in the study subconsciously used less energy the rest of the time, believing that they had ‘done their bit’ already. So by all means, keep up the gym visits, but don’t think it gives you carte blanche to spend the rest of the day on the sofa!
2. Thinking ‘low fat’ means ‘low calorie’
If more of us made ‘always read the label’ our mantra, we’d be a healthier nation! Lots of us scoff down foods flagged up as ‘reduced fat’ or ‘low fat’, believing that they must be low calorie. But here’s the thing: firstly, just because the fat has been ‘reduced’, it doesn’t mean the product is actually low in fat. For example, if the original fat content of a standard product is 20g, and in the reduced-fat version it has been reduced to 15g, it is still five times higher than the ‘3g of fat per serving’ that officially qualifies a food as ‘low fat’. Secondly, lost flavour is often replaced by sugar in reduced fat products, and calorie count remains high. Don’t diet in denial — read the label!
3. Social smoking
You might think that the ‘odd cigarette’ that you have with a few drinks on a night out is pretty harmless, but you are treading on dangerous ground with a drug as addictive as nicotine. It only takes seconds for nicotine to reach the brain, but its effects — including increased nervous system activity, elevated heart rate, blood sugar elevation and narrowing of the blood vessels — can last for an entire day. And it doesn’t matter if you smoke only one cigarette a week or one pack — the damaging effects start right away and get worse as you continue smoking. Also, people who only smoke occasionally are less likely to ever stop than heavier smokers. And what if your occasional smoke is a joint? Well, while it’s unlikely that you would smoke as many joints as cigarettes, marijuana has three times the amount of tar as tobacco and three to five times the amount of carbon monoxide.
4. Drinking too much caffeine
There is nothing wrong with the odd cup of tea or coffee, but if the staff in Starbucks know you by name, you may be overdoing it! Excessive caffeine intake overstimulates the adrenal glands so that they become ‘switched on’ all the time, and therefore make you feel constantly nervy or edgy. Caffeine also increases the heart rate, affects sleep patterns and can cause headaches and tummy upsets. Also, bear in mind that if you drink cappuccinos or lattes, you are taking in quite a considerable number of calories in every cup. The best advice is to go for quality rather than quantity and to really savour a few cups of tea or coffee, rather than to drink it mindlessly throughout the day.
5. Keeping water in a re-used plastic bottle
Drinking plenty of water contributes to good health, but re-using a plastic bottle to store water in isn’t a good idea. While the jury is still out on whether there is any danger from potentially carcinogenic substances ‘leaching out’ from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles after they have been opened, a University of Calgary study found bacteria thriving in water samples taken from students’ bottles that had been used and then refilled without being cleaned. If you do choose to re-use a plastic bottle — or use a sports drink container — wash it out with hot soapy water and dry it thoroughly between uses to keep germs at bay.
6. Not checking yourself out
Ladies — when did you last check your breasts? Sorry to be so personal, but performing these simple self health-checks could save your life. For example, research shows that the majority of breast cancer symptoms are first spotted by the women themselves. The best time to check your breasts is just after your period, when they tend to be softer. Use the flat side of your hand to move gently over each breast in a circular motion, checking under the armpits as well as across the entire surface of each breast. Also, look in the mirror with your hands on your hips and then on your head to check for symmetry, and look for any dimples, bulges or other irregularities. Men should regularly check their testicles in the bath or shower, feeling for any lumps or swelling, tenderness or change in size. And see your doctor immediately if you spot blood in your urine.
7. Failing to set up your workstation properly
A chair that’s too low or too high, a flickering screen, a desk set-up that means your spine or neck is twisted — all these workstation faux pas take their toll on your musculoskeletal system, causing everything from headaches and neck pain, to hunched shoulders and backache. The thing to bear in mind when setting up your workstation is right angles. You want your hips and knees at a right angle, with your feet supported by the floor or on a footrest, then you want your elbows at a right angle, forearms supported by the desk or keyboard support. Your eyeline should be level with the top of the screen. No matter how perfect your desk set-up, you should also get up at least once an hour to walk around and stretch.
8. Bottling up stress
A life without stress would be a life lived in a sealed, sterile box — but there are ways of learning to deal with stress which work better than the ‘stiff upper lip’ approach. And learning a few coping mechanisms is well worthwhile, as the evidence that stress can be detrimental to your health is now irrefutable. High levels of stress are associated with heart disease, high blood pressure and metabolic syndrome as well as a compromised immune system and weight gain. Research at Ohio University found that couples undergoing marital conflict took 60 per cent longer to heal from blisters than they did when they were getting on well, while other research found that stressed people exposed to a cold virus were more likely to catch a cold than non-stressed folk.
Half of all cancers are preventable—study
Half of all cancers could be prevented if people just adopted healthier behaviors, US scientists argued on Wednesday.
Smoking is blamed for a third of all US cancer cases and being overweight leads to another 20 percent of the deadly burden that costs the United States some $226 billion per year in health care expenses and lost productivity.
For instance, up to three quarters of US lung cancer cases could be avoided if people did not smoke, said the article in the US journal Science Translational Medicine.
Science has shown that plenty of other cancers can also be prevented, either with vaccines to prevent human papillomavirus and hepatitis, which can cause cervical and liver cancers, or by protecting against sun exposure, which can cause skin cancer.
Society as a whole must recognize the need for these changes and take seriously an attempt to instill healthier habits, said the researchers.
“It’s time we made an investment in implementing what we know,” said lead author Graham Colditz, an epidemiologist at the Siteman Cancer Center at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri.
Exercising, eating right and refraining from smoking are key ways to prevent up to half of the 577,000 deaths from cancer in the United States expected this year, a toll that is second only to heart disease, according to the study.
But a series of obstacles to change are well enshrined in the United States, which will see an estimated 1,638,910 new cancer cases diagnosed this year.
Those hurdles include skepticism that cancer can be prevented and the habit of intervening too late in life to stop or prevent cancer that has already taken root.
Also, much of the research on cancer focuses on treatment instead of prevention, and tends to take a short-term view rather than a long-term approach.
“Humans are impatient, and that human trait itself is an obstacle to cancer prevention,” said the study.
Further complicating those factors are the income gaps between the upper and lower social classes that mean poor people tend to be more exposed to cancer risk factors than the wealthy.
“Pollution and crime, poor public transportation, lack of parks for play and exercise, and absence of nearby supermarkets for fresh food hinder the adoption and sustained practice of a lifestyle that minimizes the risk of cancer and other diseases,” said the study.
“As in other countries, social stratification in the United States exacerbates lifestyle differences such as access to health care, especially prevention and early detection services.
“Mammograms, colon screening, diet and nutrition support, smoking cessation resources and sun protection mechanisms are simply less available to the poor.”
That means any bid to overcome deep social imbalances must be supported by policy changes, said co-author Sarah Gehlert, professor of racial and ethnic diversity at the George Warren Brown School of Social Work and the School of Medicine.
“After working in public health for 25 years, I’ve learned that if we want to change health, we need to change policy,” she said.
“Stricter tobacco policy is a good example. But we can’t make policy change on our own. We can tell the story, but it requires a critical mass of people to talk more forcefully about the need for change.”
A separate annual report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other major US cancer groups found that death rates from cancer in the United States continued to decline between 1.3 and 1.7 percent from 1998 to 2008.
New cancer diagnoses also decreased less than one percent per year from 1996 to 2006 and leveled off from 2006 to 2008.
However, the Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer also highlighted the problem of obesity-related cancers, such as colorectal cancer, as well as cancer of the kidney, esophagus, pancreas, breast and endometrial lining.
“If you watch your diet, exercise, and manage your weight, you can not only prevent your risk of getting many lethal forms of cancer, you will also increase your chances of doing well if you should get almost any form of cancer,” counseled Edward Benz, president of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston.
St. Luke’s Medical Center is one of world’s most beautiful hospitals
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Jessica Sanchez 'sensational' in Beyonce cover

MANILA, Philippines - Fil-Mexican singer Jessica Sanchez again wowed the American Idol Season 11 viewers and judges with her slow burn performance of Beyonce's hit song "Sweet Dreams" Wednesday night (US time).
It was indeed a "sweet dream" for Sanchez as the slowed down version of the Beyonce hit earned the nods of the American Idol judges.
Judge Randy Jackson was lavish in his praise, saying Sanchez had "unbelievable talent."
"I look forward to hearing you every night. I think you're one of the best singers I've heard in many years. Unbelievable, sensational," he said.
Jennifer Lopez said she loved Sanchez's version of the song because it left her wanting more. "If I was Beyonce, I would slow that one down," she said.
Steven Tyler also complimented Sanchez for holding back on the song. "I think you're a star no matter what," he said.
Aside from her solo performance, Sanchez also performed a Madonna medley with Hollie Cavanagh and Skylar Laine.
Young Filipino artist wins billboard competition

LONDON - An artwork created by a young Filipino student from Amsterdam will soon be up on giant billboards across the UK after being chosen as one of the winners of an art competition.
Seventeen year old Antonio Perez from International School of Amsterdam submitted two of his artwork for the “Who Are You?” competition by The Arts University College at Bournemouth (AUCB) and JCDecaux.
One of his works, a vibrant image of the sun rising behind clouds, was among the 25 shortlisted entries chosen by a panel of judges from the creative industries, including award-winning designer Morag Myerscough, urban artist Soap, arts writer Gavin Lucas, set designer Rhea Thiersten, creative agents Jono Hilt and Nick Mustoe, JCDecaux’s PR Manager Janet Guest, AUCB Deputy Principal Professor Jim Hunter, and AUCB Communication Manager Simon Pride.
“I love Antonio's bold use of color and graphic style. The idea of the sun shining from behind clouds is one that artists have looked at for hundreds of years, it has an iconic quality, reminding me that however hard it may be in the moment to stay positive, the sun is still there and will reappear. It is a really simple, strong illustration that will look fantastic on a billboard,” said Pride.
Following a public vote on social media Facebook, Perez’s work was revealed as one of the Top 10 winning entries, racking up an impressive 1,143 Likes at the time of publication, ahead of all the other entries.
“I felt shocked and overwhelmed of the outcome of the votes, not knowing there will be a lot of people that will be supporting me,” Perez told ABS-CBN Europe.
“I want to think that I won because they believe in my work and my belief, that there will come a time our countrymen will soon get out of their shell and work for the good of our Fatherland. I also have never won any public competitions before so this is a new experience to me especially winning something that I love to do best.”
On his inspiration for the winning piece, he said: “I thought about what the contest was all about, Who Am I? And thought, I am a Filipino and so I imagined my painting to be similar to the Philippine flag, which is one of the clearly familiar image of my country. So I used the sun and the colors of the flag to paint my piece with extra symbols showing that Philippines will soon reveal itself from concealment.”
Perez’s parents, Marino and Milagros, came from General Santos and Caloocan respectively, before settling in Cainta, Rizal after marriage. In 2006, the family moved to Singapore due to work commitments, followed by a relocation to Amstelveen in The Netherlands in 2010.
“We did not know that he entered his art work in a contest in UK. He only informed us when he received an e-mail from the school that his work was shortlisted as one of the top 25 and that it will be posted in Facebook,” recalled Mr. Perez.
“I was just so proud of his achievement. This is a rare event and it does not happen everyday. And the fact he was the only Filipino able to enter the top 10 spot, our kababayans in the UK should know that there will be billboards in the country and the artist is a 17-year-old Filipino.”
Other winning entries included works by young artists based in the UK, exploring their identities through photography, painting and digital art, using mixed images from fashion to forensic science, snapshots to body art, and words to nature.
“What immediately stood out was the quality and then the variety,” observed Pride, who conceptualized and organized the competition with his team at AUCB.
“Inevitably there will be as many answers to the question ‘Who Are You?’ as there are people, but we didn't expect such diversity. The energy, the humor, the charm, the cleverness, the beauty, the positivity and the skill all remind us what it is to be young, talented and fearless.”
He concluded: “The project was designed to give young people a giant platform for them to express and develop their talent, but much more than that, we got a wonderful story.”
"Who Are You?" is an art competition launched by AUCB, providers of specialist arts education in the UK, in association with JCDecaux, the largest outdoor advertising company in Europe. It aims to nurture young creative talent by providing a large-scale platform for their work.
This year’s Top 10 winning entries will be shown in billboards across England on 16-30 April, including spots in Bournemouth, Portsmouth, Southampton, Brighton, Guildford, Oxford, Bath, Bristol and Exeter.
A public exhibition will also be held on 25-28 April at The Arts University College at Bournemouth, in Dorset, southwest England.
Bull crack: Was the Nuggets loss an aberration or a reason for concern?